Call for Abstract

15th International Conference on Allergy and Clinical Immunology, will be organized around the theme “COVID-19: Immunopathology and its implications for therapy”

Allergy 2020 is comprised of 15 tracks and 60 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Allergy 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Clinical immunology deals with the diseases related to immune system, such as; abnormal growth of any cellular components, hypersensitivities like asthma, allergic diseases & immune system failure. It has been noticed that each year wide range of researches has been conducted to maintain the immunodeficiency, diagnostic approach & treatment interventions for these allergic & immunology disorders affecting the wellbeing. The immunological disorders generally occur due to the failure & aberrant action of the immune system & sometimes due to malignant growth in the cellular & molecular components of the immune system. When it comes to discuss about these immunology & allergic disorders, researchers prefer to cover other fields like pathology, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals & medicines etc.

  • Track 1-1Immune deficiency syndromes
  • Track 1-2Phagocytic cell abnormalities
  • Track 1-3Anaphylaxis
  • Track 1-4Inflammatory syndromes
  • Track 1-5Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases
  • Track 1-6Virology and Infectious Diseases
  • Track 1-7T-cell therapy

The invasion of a foreign organism on a host body for its growth & multiplication is called infection, which can lead into infectious diseases, transmissible diseases, communicable diseases etc. Infectious agents release toxins, which causes several immune reactions allergy, inflammations etc. The immunity of an individual actually defends these allergic reactions by combating with the allergens, microorganisms & foreign substances.

  • Track 2-1Effects of infectious disease
  • Track 2-2Infectious agents and route of transmission
  • Track 2-3Infectious diseases: diagnosis & treatment
  • Track 2-4Cellular and harmonal immunity

Common symptoms of skin allergy are redness, bumps, scales, itchiness, blisters or swelling to which most of the people experience in some point in their life, but it is not easy to know why? They come on suddenly & spread quickly within very few time. When you come in contact with something, your immune system views it as a threat & releases chemical called histamine, causing an allergic reaction in the body.

  • Track 3-1Effects of malnutrition on the immune system
  • Track 3-2Vitamins and minarals
  • Track 3-3Immunologic mechanisms (Allergies)
  • Track 3-4Immuno epidermiological Diseases
  • Track 4-1Allergic imflammation
  • Track 4-2Cell interactions
  • Track 4-3Adaptive immune responses
  • Track 5-1Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
  • Track 5-2Role of histamine
  • Track 5-3Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Track 5-4Eosinophil-Associated Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Track 5-5Diagnostic tests

Sometimes after having meals or any food products, we experience some common symptoms like itchiness, swelling of the tongue, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, trouble breathing, or low blood pressure reflection in our body. This is the most unpleasant & dangerous immune system reaction we feel, when certain food is eaten. Anaphylaxis is the disease, when the symptoms as well as the infection are severe. Some risk factors like family history of allergies, vitamin D deficiency, obesity & high levels of cleanliness are the most common reasons of being affected by allergy.

  • Track 6-1Types of food allergies
  • Track 6-2Immune tolerance

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) could be a common term that portrays the progressive lung diseases most probably the respiratory illnesses like emphysema and incessant bronchitis. Emphysema slowly destroys the lung air which interferes with outward air flow, whereas bronchitis causes inflammation & narrowing of the bronchial tubes. Major cause of COPD is smoking, long-term exposure to chemical irritants etc. Asthma causes inflammation of the airways to the lungs, which makes breathing difficult & can make some physical activities difficult or even impossible. Coughing, wheezing, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath & fatigue are the most common symptoms of being affected by Asthma.

  • Track 7-1Types of asthma
  • Track 7-2rack 7-2Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD)
  • Track 7-3Pediatric Asthma
  • Track 7-4Treatments

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause respiratory infections, including the normal cold and progressively extreme diseases, for example, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The vast majority with immunodeficiencies and those on medications that supress their immune system are immunocompromised and are along the lines of more serious danger of any respiratory diseases.

  • Track 8-1Zoonotic bacteria
  • Track 8-2Allergic Reactions to venom
  • Track 8-3Veternary viral vaccines
  • Track 8-4Parasite vaccines

Considering the case of neonates and children where the immune system isn't completely functional at birth and still under developing condition, scientific studies have shown that the chances of being susceptible to contaminations and pathogens is high and response to vaccines isn't that compelling compared to grown-ups. This could later lead to development of allergy & hypersensitivity, asthma or other resistant immune disorders, hence the care and anticipation strategies utilized is discussed under this Neonatal Immunology and Pediatric immunology.

  • Immune response in Neonates
  • Track 9-1Preterm-birth complecations and intensive care
  • Track 9-2Pediatric Allergy
  • Track 9-3Outdoor & Indoor Allergens
  • Track 9-4Adoelscent medicine
  • Track 10-1Auto-immune diseases
  • Track 10-2Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Track 10-3Systemic lupus erythematosus

Diagnostic immunology or immunodiagnostics includes diagnosis methods and experimental techniques applied for the detection of allergy, asthma and immune disorders like AIDS, Rheumatoid arthritis, Multiple sclerosis, Type 1 diabetes mellitus etc. Immunoassays, Immunofluorescence, Immunofixation and Immunoadsorption are some of the assays used to quantify molecules of biological interest based on the specificity & selectivity of antibody reagents generated. Instruments involved such as; cytometer, immunoassay analyzers, luminometers, ELISA analyzers, MHC multimer are most preferable for these above methods.

  • Track 11-1 Immunoassays & Immunofluorescence
  • Track 11-2Immunofixation & Immunoadsorption
  • Track 11-3Flow cytometry& Mass cytometry
  • Track 11-4Histology & Molecular Methods
  • Track 11-5Adoptive cell transfer
  • Track 12-1Probiotics
  • Track 12-2Prenatal testing
  • Track 12-3Genentic testing
  • Track 13-1Sub-unit vaccines
  • Track 13-2Conjugate vaccines
  • Track 13-3DNA vaccines
  • Track 13-4Recombinant vector vaccines
  • Track 14-1Immunotherapy types (Activation, Suppression, Helminthic and Sublingual)
  • Track 14-2Subcutaneous immunotherapy (Allergy shots)
  • Track 14-3Stem cells based immunotherapy
  • Track 14-4Tumor immunotherapy
  • Track 14-5Transplant-acquired allergy (TAA)
  • Track 14-6Autograft, Allograft, Xenograft and Isograft
  • Track 14-7Transplant rejection and treatment
  • Track 14-8Risks associated with transplant

Immunological techniques include experimental methods to study immune system & the methods to generate immune reagents, which can be used as experimental tools. Most of the immunological methods relate to production & use of antibiotics to detect proteins in biological samples. Allergy therapeutics is the international commercial biotechnology products used for the treatment & diagnosis of allergic disorders, e.g. immunotherapy vaccines. Production of immunoglobulin, immune stimulants, and immune suppressive agents are in high demand due to the increasing allergic conditions, which helps in enhancing or suppressing the immune system & fights infections, prevent & treat certain diseases.