Call for Abstract

14th International Conference on Allergy and Clinical Immunology, will be organized around the theme “Cracking the code on Allergies & Immune Disorders”

Allergy 2019 is comprised of 15 tracks and 67 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Allergy 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Clinical immunology deals with the study of diseases caused due to the disorders in the immune system. The disorders may be failure or aberrant action of immune system and sometimes due to malignant growth of cellular and molecular components of immune system. Hence cellular biologymolecular biology fields of science come into picture.  Immunology deals with the study of several components of immune system, the immune reactions and mechanisms. Clinical immunology and allergy is a specialty of renewed interest and untapped potential. It covers several fields like pathologybiochemistrybiotechnologygenetics, pharmaceuticals, medicine etc. The study of these fields give hope to research and taps career for immunologists, cell biologists, molecular biologists, biochemists, bioinformaticians, allergists, physicians, microbiologists, pediatricians and so on. Allergy is the condition of adverse reaction of immune system towards any foreign substance. Allergy is of different types depending on the allergen (causative agent) and the diagnosis and treatment for each type varies.

  • Track 1-1Immune deficiency syndromes
  • Track 1-2Phagocytic cell abnormalities
  • Track 1-3Anaphylaxis
  • Track 1-4Inflammatory syndromes

The invasion of foreign organism on a host body for its growth and multiplication is termed as infection. The infection can lead to infectious diseases/ transmissible disease/ communicable disease. The infection can be caused by any infectious agents and their toxins causing several immune reactions like allergyinflammation etc. Immune or allergic reactions arise upon infection due to the role of Host immune system to maintain immunity in the body. The infectious agents may be bacteria, virus, fungus, parasites, protozoans etc. As the agents vary, so does the route of transmission to enter into the host body and also the diseases, diagnosis and treatments. The immunity of an individual must be well enough to combat such infections. Immunity will be innately present in an individual from the mother through placenta and also later on through breast milk. Immunity will also be acquired by an individual during his/her lifetime through exposure to several allergens, microorganisms and foreign substances.

  • Track 2-1Effects of infectious disease
  • Track 2-2Infectious agents and route of transmission
  • Track 2-3Infectious diseases: diagnosis & treatment
  • Track 2-4Cellular and harmonal immunity
  • Track 2-5Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases
  • Track 2-6Virology and Infectious Diseases

The branch of biology and medicine which deals with the study of immune system in different organisms is immunology. The study covers the several components of immune system, their production, synthesis, function, pathway mechanism etc. The immune system comprises of several components like lymphoid cells and organs, Hematopoiesis, Immune receptors and co-receptors, Major histocompatibility complex (MHC’s), Antibodies and Cytokines, Transcription factors, Cell adhesion molecules (CAM’s) etc. These components play a vital role individually and in a group in an organism’s life against several infections and pathogens. Immunology field of study is an aggregation of several other fields like biology, cellular biology, biochemistry, nanotechnology, molecular biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, computer science, sensor technology, pathology etc. The field has widened and progressed in several aspects which can be further discussed under the track.

  • Track 3-1Effects of malnutrition on the immune system
  • Track 3-2Vitamins and minarals
  • Track 3-3Immunologic mechanisms (Allergies)
  • Track 3-4Immuno epidermiological Diseases

Each immune component has its own mechanism pathways for production and function. Molecular and cellular factors involved in these mechanisms must also be studied to get an insight on the immune system and discover solutions for any immune disorders. Molecular and cellular mechanisms which mediate allergic inflammation involve several multiple mediators, cell type and lymphocytes/ interleukins pathways. Allergy or allergic diseases is caused due to hypersensitivity of immune system in response to the genetics or environmental factors. The symptoms range from Rhinitis, inflammation, Allergic urticaria, Atopic eczema, Conjunctivitis, Angioedema and Anaphylaxis. The cure for several involves therapies, vaccines, Antihistamines, Decongestants, Moisturizing creams (emollients) and Steroid medication.

  • Track 4-1Allergic imflammation
  • Track 4-2Cell interactions
  • Track 4-3Adaptive immune responses

Allergy is one of the most adverse immune reaction faced worldwide by people which is next accompanied by inflammation. The set of conditions caused by Hypersensitivity of the immune system in response to any foreign substance is allergy/ allergic diseases. It may arise due to genetic or environmental factors. The causative agents are termed as allergen and they may be food, drug, dust, pollen, animal dander &fur etc. varying for each individual. Mostly allergen immunotherapy is the advanced therapeutics method to treat the allergies. Allergic and Inflammatory Reactions are caused by the immune system but if the reaction becomes adverse then the condition becomes chronic for an individual. The causative agents for such adverse reactions could be genetic, environmental, pathogenic and synthetic compounds. The localized body part which gets red, swollen, hot and painful after an injury or infection is an condition termed as inflammation and it might be due to allergy: Allergic inflammation or due to tumor. Inflammation can be acute or chronic and it consists of different types based on the part of inflammation.

  • Track 5-1Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
  • Track 5-2Role of histamine
  • Track 5-3Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Track 5-4Eosinophil-Associated Gastrointestinal Disorders

Immunity of every individual varies hence the immune reaction by a person to specific food or medication will be different in concern with another individual. Food allergy is immune reaction developed by the body in response to specific food and food component. Few Individuals show allergy after consumption of foods like peanuts, fruit, shellfish, eggs, soy or cow's milk due to certain compound in these foods triggering the immune reaction. Several cases of food allergy are seen epigenetically and cause is still unknown. Symptoms include skin rashes, swelling and itching inside the mouth.


  • Track 6-1Types of food allergies
  • Track 6-2Immune tolerance
  • Track 6-3Diagnostic tests

The condition of swollen, inflamed and extra mucosal lung airways upon infections or exposure to allergen is asthma/ bronchial asthma and the epigenetics of asthma varies accordingly. Asthma is long term chronic inflammatory disease of the lung airways caused by any specific allergen (Allergic asthma) or any other genetic / environmental factor (Non-Allergic Asthma) involving symptoms like wheezing, coughing, breath shortness and chest tightness. Research is going in a rapid pace due to increase in the asthma attack cases, mostly in children (Pediatric Asthma). Asthma allergy immunotherapy and several advances in treatment can be discussed in allergy conference like this.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is a set of chronic inflammatory lung disease. The disease is contributed by Emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Emphysema is the condition in which the alveoli get destroyed and chronic bronchitis is the condition where inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes takes place. People who smoke even after having asthma or people who have long term exposure to chemical fumes, vapors and dusts in the workplace, fumes from burning fuel for cooking and heating in poorly ventilated homes are at risk of developing COPD. Rare cause for COPD is genetic disorder: alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. COPD symptoms don’t appear initially hence research in COPD diagnosis in enhancing as misdiagnosis can increase the risk of COPD in the person cause heart disease, lung cancer and so on.

  • Track 7-1Types of asthma
  • Track 7-2Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD)
  • Track 7-3Pediatric Asthma
  • Track 7-4Treatments

An allergic reaction to proteins found in an animal's skin cells, saliva or urine is veterinary allergy or Allergology. The pet hair, fur or proteins present in a pet's dander, skin flakes, saliva and urine can induce allergic reaction or cause asthma symptoms in some people. There are several case studies on pet allergies. Pet allergy is mostly seen towards cats and dogs as they are the most common pets worldwide. Cat allergy immunotherapy is widely used by cat lovers. Some cases have been seen where allergy reactions are seen to venom, bite and sting of insects and also to proteins found in animal products where the food allergy comes into picture too.


  • Track 8-1Zoonotic bacteria
  • Track 8-2Allergic Reactions to venom
  • Track 8-3Parasite vaccines
  • Track 8-4Veternary viral vaccines

Considering the case of neonates and children where the immune system is not fully functional at birth and still developing later on, the chances of them being susceptible to infections and pathogens is high and response to vaccines is not that effective compared to adults. This could later lead to development of allergy, asthma or other immune disorders hence the care and prevention methods employed is discussed under Neonatal Immunology and Pediatric immunology. Infants receive their innate immunology through their mother either by placenta when they are in the womb or through breast milk. Asthma pregnancy i.e. if the mother has asthma then chances exists for children to develop allergy/ asthma. Children who get in contact with several foreign agents are prone to Pediatric Allergy.


  • Track 9-1Preterm-birth complecations and intensive care
  • Track 9-2Pediatric Allergy
  • Track 9-3Outdoor & Indoor Allergens
  • Track 9-4Adoelscent medicine

Disorders caused by the deficiency, failure or aberrant action of immune system or the malignant tumor growth in the immune system are immune disorders. They are several type’s namely immunodeficiency disorders (primary and secondary), Allergies and Autoimmune diseases. Allergy and inflammatory diseases are immune disorders caused by over reaction of the immune system. The diagnosisprevention and treatment methods for all varies widening the research in medicine and immunology fields. So far the causes and treatment of several of these disorders is not discovered.


  • Track 10-1Auto-immune diseases
  • Track 10-2Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Track 10-3Systemic lupus erythematosus

Diagnostic immunology or immunodiagnostics are diagnosis methods and techniques employed for the detection of allergy, asthma and immune disorders like AIDS, Rheumatoid arthritis, Multiple sclerosis, Type 1 diabetes mellitus etc. Allergy diagnosis is segmented into assay kits, instruments and services. Immunoassays, Immunofluorescence, Immunofixation and Immunoadsorption are some of the assays. Instruments involve cytometer, immunoassay analyzers, luminometers, ELISA analyzers, MHC multimer and other instruments. Histology and Immunology tests, molecular methods and immune system assessment are also several other diagnostic techniques.


  • Track 11-1 Immunoassays & Immunofluorescence
  • Track 11-2Immunofixation & Immunoadsorption
  • Track 11-3Flow cytometry& Mass cytometry
  • Track 11-4Histology & Molecular Methods
  • Track 11-5Adoptive cell transfer

Best way to prevent an allergy is allergen avoidance. Several food allergens like peanuts, seafood, milk, egg, and soybean can be avoided. Drug allergens, dust and pet animals can also be avoided to be allergic free. Other prevention methods involve exclusive breast feeding for 1st 4 months of life, inclusion of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Omega-3 polyunsaturated oils and good probiotic bacteria in diet, use of Leukotriene receptor antagonists, steroid sprays, Decongestants etc. VaccinationImmunotherapy and transplantation are now the widely used approaches towards allergy and immune disorders therapy. Gene therapy is the advanced therapeutic approach to fight allergy and immune disorders.


  • Track 12-1Probiotics
  • Track 12-2Prenatal testing
  • Track 12-3Genentic testing
  • Track 12-4T-cell therapy

Often vaccination and immunization are used interchangeably but their meaning isn’t the same. The act of introducing vaccine to a body is termed as Vaccination. Immunization is the process through which the person/ animal gets protected against any disease. Vaccines are antigenic substances or biological preparations used to provide immunity against infectious diseases.  Vaccines are several for different types of diseases like Mumps, Hepatitis, Diphtheria, Cholera etc


  • Track 13-1Sub-unit vaccines
  • Track 13-2Conjugate vaccines
  • Track 13-3DNA vaccines
  • Track 13-4Recombinant vector vaccines

Immunotherapy is one of the preventive treatment method employed against allergy and other immune disorders like asthmarhinitiscancer etc. Immunotherapy used to treat cancer is cancer immunotherapy, to treat allergy is allergy immunotherapy, to treat allergic asthma is Asthma allergy immunotherapy, to treat food allergy is food allergy immunotherapy,  to treat peanut allergy is peanut allergy immunotherapy. It can be activated, suppressed, helminthic, subcutaneous, sublingual and adjuvant immunotherapy.

The engraftment or transfer of cells, tissues or organs for the revival of body functions is transplantation and the process involves several types like Allograft, Xenograft etc. Several ethics and regulations are concerned with the process and as the number of allergy cases has increased after the transplant (Transplant-acquired allergy: TAA) the process is debated and researched for better solutions and reduced/nil allergic and immune reactions. Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has been used for treatment of severe immune diseases. Transplant surgery success rate is not a huge number with transplant complications and posttranplantation care but it still counts as an effort for the treatment of allergy and immune disorders.

  • Track 14-1Immunotherapy types (Activation, Suppression, Helminthic and Sublingual)
  • Track 14-2Subcutaneous immunotherapy (Allergy shots)
  • Track 14-3Stem cells based immunotherapy
  • Track 14-4Tumor immunotherapy
  • Track 14-5Transplant-acquired allergy (TAA)
  • Track 14-6Autograft, Allograft, Xenograft and Isograft
  • Track 14-7Transplant rejection and treatment
  • Track 14-8Risks associated with transplant

Allergy diagnostics and immunotherapeutic market is expected to increase by a huge amount suspects several market analysts due to increasing prevalence of allergic conditions. The increasing lifestyle habits, pollution and urbanization targets diseases like asthma and food allergy at a hype increasing the incidences of allergies and demanding cost effective,sensitive and accurate diagnostic products and therapeutics among hospitals, diagnostic labs and healthcare companies worldwide. The rising level of environmental pollution and the need for faster, accurate and high throughput technologies has increased the allergy diagnostics market product wise with assay kits, immunoassay analyzers, luminometers and ELISA analyzers dominating the market which is followed by inhaled allergens. North America followed by Europe, Asia and Middle East are countries accounting for allergy research and market share.


  • Track 15-1Therapeutic market segmentation
  • Track 15-2Vaccines
  • Track 15-3Peptide therapeutics
  • Track 15-4Nano medicine
  • Track 15-5SLIT drops and tablets
  • Track 15-6Pollinex Quattro®
  • Track 15-7Market sales by country & products